а я очень доволен переводом. Если кто-то чем либо не доволен — помогите или укажите на ошибку. Если все будем действовать по такому принципу, глядишь и блог по переводу статей англоязычных появится, со своей командой добровольцев)
Скорее всего экип бы мог спасти пилота. Вот Видео где парень врезается в автомобиль на скорости 230 км/ч. Он выжил. www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtbMr-hElDY
Вот как СМИ исказили факты. Кстати у него были лишь повреждения лица, а его жену и 5 месячную дочь НИКТО не тронул.
Alexian Lien's Range Rover was the man attacked by motorcyclists after he accidentally hit a biker
Lien, 33, then crash through the mob in his vehicle, fearing for the safety of his wife Rosalyn Ng, and their 5-month-old child
Bikers chase the SUV, carrying couple and young child, and try to attack it
Lien speeds off hitting motorcyclists for the second time
It eventually grinds to a halt in NYC traffic and bikers smash the window
Lien was treated in hospital for lacerations to his face and body
Police said, contradictory to online comments, there were no other injuries
При перепечатке материалов, видео или картинок гиперссылка на «bikepost.ru» обязательна
Alexian Lien's Range Rover was the man attacked by motorcyclists after he accidentally hit a biker
Lien, 33, then crash through the mob in his vehicle, fearing for the safety of his wife Rosalyn Ng, and their 5-month-old child
Bikers chase the SUV, carrying couple and young child, and try to attack it
Lien speeds off hitting motorcyclists for the second time
It eventually grinds to a halt in NYC traffic and bikers smash the window
Lien was treated in hospital for lacerations to his face and body
Police said, contradictory to online comments, there were no other injuries